Warzone: almost 800,000 banned bills and Raven Software continues to hunt for cheating

After Activision confirms the arrival of the new Antitrempa system for this year, Raven Software is launching new notices for more massive battles in Call of Duty Warzone, the Battle Royale that hackers has, possibly, the current panorama as far as multiplayer videogames it means.

The new anti-traps system is developing for your entry into service when Call of Duty Vanguard arrives at Warzone. The date has not yet been reported and the study only stipulates a fairly broad period: this year. For those who wonder, this is a new protection that, hopefully, will drastically reduce the cheats in Warzone.

But waiting for this new antitric system, Raven Software and all surveillance teams continue with their work, because A new wave of bathing arrived overnight and brought 50 000 prohibited accounts . However, we do not know if it is a material restriction, since the Tiktoker Rush360 could continue its wanderings through the game. We hope that this good fishing does not mean that these can come back with new accounts.

So far, approximately 800,000 accounts have been banned from the traps eradication campaign and we can only applaud the recurrence of these prohibitions. Previously, these bathing were too ad hoc, but now they are done much more frequently. Both studies and developers can finally be willing to renounce part of their communities. This only affects Warzone and is much more interesting to have reliable players who play for fun and not to cheat.

Warzone's development studies continue to say that new things come for the good health of Battle Royale, so we are anxious to see what they can do so that Warzone is much more viable.


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