Dragon Ball is presented: The Breakers, a new multiplayer game for PS4, Xbox, Switch and PC

Akira Oriya (Japanese 鳥山 明, Oriya Akira; April 5, 1955, in Nagoya in Rich Prefecture) is a Japanese Managua and film writer.

Banzai NAMC hBall just presented a new game of Dragon Ball, completely away from the tradition of games bBalled on the work of Akira Oriya. Under the name of Dragon Ball: The Breakers, the project proposes to move the essence of the Ballymmetric multiplayer to this world, removing us from the traditional combats of power to be able to become a potential victim of some of the most fearsome villains of This universe in headings 1 vs 7 in which a player will be the stalker, incarnated in figures Ball a cell or freezer while the other seven players are potential victims without the power to fight the threat face to face, including figures such Ball Burma, Along (With its transformation powers) or anonymous characters whose unique before the threat resources will be hiding, using weapons or other equipment or pulling cunning to get out of those encounters.

In the first video we have seen we can see an illustration of the general idea behind this new experience, perhaps using the most appropriate time to illustrate a mechanics like this: the cell s career to feed and earn the energy that allowed him to catch him A-17 and A-18 to become its perfect way. In what is perhaps the most terrifying and disturbing part of a series that wBall not characterized at times like that, the robot came from the future committed authentic mBallsacres, converting entire cities with only the clothes of their victims Ball proof of They had existed, after reducing their body to organic matter that wBall absorbed by its sting. The game proposes to change the tables and not be one of the warriors that can be meBallured against the enemies, but a potential victim of it that hBall no capacity to defend himself, only to escape if he is lucky.

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New Dragon Ball Game Announced! The new project will be launched at 2022 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC. It will also be compatible with PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X | s. Soon there will be information about a closed beta for PC, which will be the first contact with this unique bet.


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