Pokémon Go talks about the future - coaches worry about your home

A new Dev Diary, so developer diary Pokemon GO was released. There is talk among other things about the future of the game — and particularly a paragraph about bonuses is being discussed by players.

What is it? In the developer diary on the Pokémon GO Blog (via pokemongolive.com) several employees speak GO team Pokémon on various aspects of the game for a Dev Diary from. The main theme of the current diary are the seasons in the game.

Said Dan Thomas about writing in the field of game design on the currently ongoing Season of origin, the different places of the Pokémon world wants to be in focus, such as the dragon staircase descent event. The rest of the season should be oriented in such places, which should ultimately lead to the upcoming Photo tour.

The experience from previous seasons will also feed into the future. So there was about the season of the practical joke long-term special research around Hoop what a subject could be in the future: We have learned a lot and work hard to make the next special research that spans an entire season, even better. In the meantime we try with the season of the origin of a different approach, which is based more on the monthly changing temporary research and the season bonuses, says Thomas.

Bonuses are addressed: The seasons are to be expanded in the future. Which also describes Live Game Director Michael Stefania, but which also responds to another point of the changing seasons: For us, each new season is a chance to assess the current state of the game and to derive changes and improvements to make it even more to improve, so Stefania.

We are wanting to concentrate the mission of Ni antic, trainer for outdoor exercise, to explore their environment and social interaction with other coaches to encourage in the coming seasons more on said Stefania.

In this context, we also evaluate some bonuses new, have been active in recent seasons. These include the effectiveness of smoke at a standstill and the increased damage in remote raid fights. You may have noticed in the last Community Day events that we have chosen bonuses intended to motivate you to social gameplay or raid fights locally. Similarly, we want to encourage coaches around the world with our season bonuses to go outside and explore the world.

Michael Stefania Dev Diary (via pokemongolive.com).

And above all, this paragraph it is that is being discussed in the community.

trainer weaker Smoke fear & Remote raid damage

What is the problem? In Pokémon GO has been around since 2020 various bonuses that make playing from your home. Originally introduced due to the pandemic, many players see these bonuses now as a fundamental improvement of the game.

Which is first spoken in the current developer diary only by a revaluation of the bonuses and not explicitly by a weakening or removal. It is important to note Nevertheless, players now make the Pokémon GO Subreddit because of the formulations to the smoke-effectiveness and long-distance raid damage. They suggest instead other solutions:

Ugh, please do not, said user Baldwin (via Reddit): Does the smoke not less effective when standing, but also makes it more effective when you are moving. Does not reduce the damage for long distance raids, but adds bonuses added for the physical presence of the raid as additional damage or premium balls. They want us to explore, then we just let close to Pokémon are looking for. I would visit a new place, if I could see that there's a Relax or something else exciting... Instead, I see only two Metapod, four Sparrow and the starter / Pikachu that are being featured, says a user (via Reddit). Give me double sweets for the physical presence in raids (including XL-candy) and I will be much more active, agrees brokeguydtd (via Reddit) to. Smoke was a rare monster (Mila, Galapagos, etc.) spawn for all X KMS that are running, suggests user mwm5062 (via Reddit) ago.

Not the first bonuses Discussion: By the summer of 2021 there was a big discussion, were withdrawn as some home-bonuses.

After Ni antic to 80 meters increased interaction radius Bakeshops and arenas back to 40 yards reduced to, authored several members of the community an open letter, which caused a lot of attention and demanded the withdrawal of the amendment. With success: At the end of the radius was increased again.


How do you see the topic? Would you disturb a change of the bonuses or would not it is a problem for you? Tell us in the comments!


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