How to Dive into Fall Guys (Xbox, PC, Switch, PS4)

Fall Guys is a delightful platform game with battle royale aspects. In it, 60 players compete against each other in a race to the finish line on various tracks. You will need to run, jump, climb, grab and dive like a pro if you want to claim the crown. However, you might be wondering how to dive in Fall Guys.

Fall Guys dive guide

How Depending on which Platform you're playing, your input immersion will be different. In addition, you can combine diving with a jump to increase the distance. Here's how to dive across all platforms in Fall Guys.

  • Games : Area
  • Xbox : X
  • Nintendo Switch : D
  • PC : Ctrl

You can dive from a standing position or dive after a jump. Diving is a great way to cover more distance or squeeze under obstacles or over chasms. You can also use this to throw items farther and even knock other players off course. The diver will also assume a horizontal position, which will help prevent slipping. Another great place to dive is when you cross the finish line-diving sometimes gives you the distance you need to take down another player quickly.

Jumping and then diving will give you more distance, so this is the method you want to use most often. It should be noted that diving can sometimes leave you prone and your Bean may take longer to get up. It will take time and practice to know when is the best time to dive and when is it best not to dive in Fall Guys.

To learn more about Fall Guys, check out Fall Guys on Steam? How to play Fall Guys with the Epic Games Launcher and how to use Fall Guys emotes in our pro game guides.


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